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开课院校 优学院
建议学习时长 32 课时
学科分类 基础英语
  • Module 1
  • Unit 1 Studying Overseas
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Listening 1
    5. Language Focus 1
    6. Speaking 1
    7. Writing
    8. Speaking 2
    9. Listening 2
    10. Language Focus 2
    11. Study Skills
    12. Self-Assessment
  • Unit 2 Earth today
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Language
    4. Listening
    5. Language Focus
    6. Vocabulary
    7. Writing
    8. Speaking
    9. Study skills
    10. Reflective Journal
  • Unit 3 All around the World
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Language Focus
    4. Listening 1
    5. Writing
    6. Listening 2
    7. Speaking
    8. Study Skills
  • Unit 4 Crime and punishment
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Vocabulary 1
    4. Listening 1
    5. Vocabulary 2
    6. Language Focus 1
    7. Writing
    8. Listening 2
    9. Speaking 2
    10. Language Focus 2
    11. Study Skills
    12. Review
  • Unit 5 A career or a job?
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Vocabulary 1
    4. Listening 1
    5. Language Focus 1
    6. Listening 2
    7. Language Focus 2
    8. Speaking
    9. Writing
    10. Vocabulary 2
    11. Study Skills
  • Unit 6 Globalization
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading 1
    3. Language Focus 1
    4. Listening
    5. Reading 2
    6. Vocabulary
    7. Language Focus 2
    8. Writing
    9. Speaking
    10. Study Skills
    11. Review
  • Unit 7 Gadgets and gizmos
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Language Focus
    4. Writing
    5. Vocabulary 1
    6. Speaking 1
    7. Listening
    8. Vocabulary 2
    9. Speaking 2
    10. Study Skills
    11. Self- Assessment
  • Unit 8 Health and medicine
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Vocabulary 1
    4. Language focus 1
    5. Vocabulary 2
    6. Speaking
    7. Listening 2
    8. Language focus 2
    9. Writing
    10. Study skills
  • Unit 9 All in the mind
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Vocabulary 1
    4. Listening
    5. Language focus
    6. Vocabulary 2
    7. Speaking
    8. Writing
    9. Listening: Section 3
    10. Study Skills
    11. What did I learn?
  • Unit 10 Leisure time
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Vocabulary
    3. Listening 1
    4. Language focus 1
    5. Reading
    6. Language focus 2
    7. Vocabulary
    8. Listening
    9. Speaking
    10. Writing
    11. Study skills
    12. What did I learn?
  • Unit 11 The art of advertising
    1. Introduction
    2. Listening 2
    3. Vocabulary
    4. Speaking
    5. Reading 2
    6. Language focus
    7. Writing
    8. Listening
    9. Study Skills
    10. What did I learn?
  • Unit 12 Success and achievement
    1. Introduction to unit
    2. Reading
    3. Listening
    4. Writing
    5. Vocabulary
    6. Speaking
    7. Language focus
    8. Writing
    9. Test your knowledge
    10. Listening
    11. Study skills
每单元围绕不同主题,展开听,说,阅读等技能训练,并邀请雅思考官录制考试注意事项与应试技巧。同时课程内有大量练习, 帮助学生通过练习提高英语水平,助力考试备考。


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